Store Questions

Q: Where do you ship to?
I ship worldwide! Basically anywhere that the Australian Post will let me ship.

Q: What currency is your store in?
A: My store is in AUD (Australian Dollars). Please use a currency converter to calculate the cost in your local currency.

Q: How much is shipping?
A: Shipping for orders have flat-rates depending on where you live. You will be able to see the cost of shipping at the checkout.

Q: How long will my order take to arrive?
A: Orders will be shipped within 5 business days after they are placed, although most will be shipped within 3 days. Orders can take any time between a week to a month to arrive depending on where you live and how far away it is from Australia.

Q: My order didn’t arrive or arrived damaged.
A: Please contact me through the “Contact” page on this site if there are any issues with your order. Sometimes the shipping company loses the orders or damages them during shipping, so please contact me and we can work something out!

Q: Returns and exchange policy?
A: I do not allow returns or exchanges.

Artist Questions

Q: What tools and programs do you use?
A: I use a GAOMON 860T Digital Tablet. My artworks are drawn on both Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop, with majority of the drawing being done on CSP while backgrounds, skies and lighting adjustments are made on Photoshop. All my older artworks were drawn on Paint Tool SAI.

Q: Do you take requests/commissions?
A: I do not take requests because I don’t have time for them, however, there are special occasions where I will ask for requests although they are far and few between. As for commissions, I am not open to commissions but am currently considering, although I do special commissions for people I know personally.

Q: What conventions do you go to?
A: Currently, I have only gone to AVCON, Adelaide SUPANOVA and Melbourne SUPANOVA, all of which are within Australia. In the future I have plans to attend Oz Comic Con and SMASH con. I will advertise all conventions I attend on my Instagram and Twitter.

Q: Can I repost your work?
A: No.

Series Questions

Q: What series do you have?
A: My biggest series project is PANDORΔ Alliance, it is a very personal series in the making and I haven’t revealed much about the story or the world yet, but please stay tuned!

The current series that I’m mainly focusing on is HUERIUM, which has it’s own page on my website. Feel free to check it out!

I have multiple art series such as 268 Days of Pain and imagine. 268 Days of Pain has been discontinued as of November 2018, while imagine is currently on hiatus and will continue when I am ready.

I also have a WEBTOON titled IRREGULARS, although it is on hiatus until further notice.

Q: When will you post the next chapter of IRREGULARS?
A: IRREGULARS has irregular updates so it has no update schedule, the chapters will be updated when they are ready.